However, the vacancy of law in this field cannot protect the victims'legal rights through raising a lawsuit as contract or general tort. 我国目前的法律在这一领域缺失,以合同或一般侵权提起诉讼难以充分保护受害人合法权益。
Tossing behavior with a certain person is a general tort; 行为人确定的抛物行为,论文代写属一般侵权行为;
Besides includes all causes exempted from liability in the general tort, a third party's infringement upon creditor's rights has yet three case which can be exempted from liability, namely justice competition, duty implementation and advice. 除了包括一般侵权行为所具有的免责事由外,第三人侵害债权还有三种情况可以免责,即正当竞争、履行职责和忠告。
Tortious liability between spouses differs in characteristics from that of a general tort. 夫妻间侵权责任具有与一般侵权责任不同的特征。
The fraud tort demonstrates the relatively special characteristic with the general tort. 欺诈侵权行为表现出与一般侵权行为相对特殊的特征。
Constitutive requirements of tort liability of CAP, a type of expert liability, must be in line with those of general tort liability. 注册会计师侵权责任系专家责任之一,其责任构成应符合一般侵权责任构成的要求。
This article analyses, with the basic theory of general tort law as a tool, the system of principles of liability of Chinese maritime tort law on the basis of the characteristics, economic environment and long-history tradition of maritime activities. 本文从海上活动的特点及其经济环境和历史传统着手,用一般侵权行为法的基本理论,对海上侵权归责原则及其体系进行了分析和研究。
The theoretical basis of the System is the principle of good faith, and the essential conditions of it is different from that of the general tort. 构建第三人侵害债权制度的理论基础为诚实信用原则。第三人侵害债权制度的构成要件不同于一般侵权行为的构成要件。
Similar with the general tort, the fraud tort is made up of four key elements: the tort action, the damage fact, causality between the tort action and the damage fact, and on purpose to form. 与一般侵权行为类似,欺诈侵权行为由欺诈行为、损害事实、侵权行为与损害后果之间的因果关系和故意四个要素构成。
The behavior of the members 'rights against the owners, general tort, but the independence and particularity in the right to relief. 侵害业主成员权的行为,属于一般侵权行为,但在权利救济上具有独立性与特殊性。
The existence of joint dangerous act extends from general tort field to special tort field. 共同危险行为制度从传统的一般侵权领域延伸到了特殊侵权领域。
The results of damage, compensation for spiritual damage constitutive requirements from general tort liability is special. 其中,损害结果是精神损害赔偿构成要件区别于一般侵权责任构成要件的特殊之处。
Environmental pollution is different from the general tort, which has its characteristics. 环境污染不同于一般的侵权行为,有其自身的特点。
Then, there is the concept of product liability doctrine: product liability doctrine is a tort liability doctrine which cores on the standard of product defect and puts the fundamental category of general tort doctrine as the value orientation. 随后,本章得出了产品责任归责原则的内涵,即产品责任归责原则是以产品缺陷认定标准为核心、以一般性侵权归责原则的基本范畴为价值取向的侵权归责原则。
The network service provider engaged in direct infringement, as long as consistent with the general tort liability, should bear the liability for compensation. 网络服务提供者从事直接侵权行为时,只要符合一般侵权责任的构成要件,即要承担侵权赔偿责任。
Elements of general tort unlawful act, the presence of damage to the facts, violations and the causal link between the damage and the fact that the perpetrator subjective fault. 一般侵权行为的构成要件为行为的违法性、损害事实的存在、违法行为与损害事实之问存在因果关系以及行为人主观上有过错。
Bankruptcy civil liability of directors is tort liability, and it has the same elements as general tort liability. 董事破产民事责任为侵权责任,其构成要件为一般侵权责任的构成要件。
In general tort law, the negligence is defined as a violation of the obligation. 一般侵权法上把过失定义为对注意义务的违反。
The principle of compensation and scope of school sports injuries applied to the damage caused by general tort. 学校体育伤害事故的赔偿原则和范围适合一般侵权行为造成损害的赔偿原则和范围。
In general tort, the principle of attribution of fault liability is used. 在一般的侵权行为中,我们采用的归责原则是过错责任。
Moreover, most present scholars research mainly on traditional general tort filed. 而目前大多数学者对共同危险行为的研究还主要局限于传统一般侵权领域。
Th-is paper argues that the product recall to the creation of tort liability, contract law wara-nty responsibility, and general tort law tort liability based on the creation of new tort liability type, rich in China product recall liability system. 本文认为,产品召回侵权责任的创设,在合同法物的瑕疵担保责任和侵权法一般产品侵权责任的基础上创设了全新的侵权责任类型,丰富了我国的产品召回责任体系。
The aim of this paper is to try to research joint dangerous act in both general tort and special tort, giving some new ideas to attract good researches by considering existing disputes. 本文的研究目的在于尝试对一般侵权领域和特殊侵权领域中的共同危险行为进行研究,通过对现存的理论争议进行思考,提出一些新的看法以期起到抛砖引玉的作用。
The malicious prosecution is a general tort whose the elements should include the subjective intention, acting an illegal litigation that causes damages, and the causation between the offence and the damage. 恶意诉讼是一般侵权行为,其构成要件包括行为人主观具有故意、实施了违法的诉讼行为、行为造成了损害、违法诉讼行为和损害结果之间存在因果关系。
At the same time, joint dangerous act contains joint dangerous act in both general tort and special tort according to this paper. 同时,本文认为共同危险行为包括了一般侵权领域和特殊侵权领域中的共同危险行为。
In the news media reported that some related to the reputation right of citizens, but the news media tort has its special place, it can not be completely regarded as general tort. 新闻媒体中的报道有些涉及到公民的名誉权,但是新闻媒体侵权有其特别的地方,不能将其完全视为一般侵权。
But various theories are to be as general tort liability fault is one of the indispensable constitutions. 但各种学说均将过错作为一般侵权责任中不可或缺的构成要件之一。
Secondly, in this premise, the traditional tort liability theory to analyze the network transaction platform provider the general tort liability constitute elements, which focuses on the analysis of Internet trading platform service provider liability fault identification. 其次在这个前提下,以传统的侵权责任构成要件理论分析了网络交易平台提供商侵权责任的一般构成要件,其中重点分析了对网络交易平台提供商侵权责任过错的认定。
First discusses the general tort law of fault, the concept of think fault by subjective and objective compromise said, namely fault suitable for in subjective psychological state under the control of the obligation to the previous violation behavior. 首先论述了一般侵权法中对过错的概念,认为过错采用主客观折中说比较适宜,即过错为在主观的心里状态的支配下对先前的义务的违反的行为。
Crime is also a tort, comparing with general tort victims, to the spirit that cause even more damage, the spirit damage compensate request right should be protected by law and safeguard. 犯罪行为也是侵权行为,与一般的侵权行为相比,给被害人的精神造成更大的损害,其精神损害赔偿请求权更应该得到法律的保护与保障。